Join us on the 21st of March in our bi-weekly webinar H2 Market Meetup!
This Thursday we will meet Hydraserv and hear a status from interim Cluster manager of the H2Cluster, Daniel Ras-Vidal.
Hydraserv specializes in fluid system components. Hydraserv has extensive experience within the oil and gas industry and are excited to take on the hydrogen market where we represent high quality suppliers like Hy-Lok, Pressure Tech, BIS Wells, Seitz, Goetze and Habonim. Their goal is to become a substantial and solid supplier for instrumentation products as valves, regulators, fittings, gauges and solutions for the hydrogen market in Norway. With us to present Hydraserv in this H2 Market Meetup is owner of Hydraserv, Espen Wetteland.
Interim Cluster manager, Daniel Ras-Vidal, will give a brief overview of further plans for the H2Cluster in 2024, and how you can engage with the cluster to create further value for you and your company.