- Vysus Group
- Gec
- Aker Horizons
- Hydro Havrand
- Swagelok
- Yara
- Greenstat
- Norsk Energi
- ZEG Power
- Equinor
- Statkraft
Hydrogen Safety resource group is working to ensure that hydrogen safety is on top of everyone's mind in the roll out of the hydrogen economy
The Safety Resource group is working to:
•Cooperative input from industry and research organizations in Norway and abroad
•Develop a competence center for hydrogen safety
•Make a difference in selected market segments of hydrogen safety:
•Maritime vessels and maritime transportation
•Offshore installations, both O&G and wind
•Onshore industry
•Transportation through pipelines
•Valuable input to other industries, e.g. aviation
Leader of the Safety Resource Group, Yngve Rothschild, Vysus Group